
Lọ chiết mẫu (EPA Vial)

Lọ chiết mẫu (EPA Vial)

Hãng sản xuất: CNW Technologies


Vật liệu: thủy tinh trong / nâu tinh khiết cao, đảm bảo không nhiễm chéo kể cả phân tích VOA

Nhiều thể tích khác nhau: thuận tiện cho nhiều ứng dụng khác nhau trong việc bảo quản mẫu

Nắp vặn kín kể cả khi lắc, đánh sóng siêu âm,.... 


Kiểu chai : Dạng nắp vặn
Kiểu nắp : Nhựa PP tinh khiết
Kiểu màng đệm : 1 lớp, 2 lớp, 3 lớp tùy thuộc vào nhu cầu sử dụng của PTN
Kích thước vial :  Nhiều kiểu thể tích phù hợp yêu cầu phương pháp phân tích 8mL, 15mL, 20mL, 40mL, 60mL
Màu sắc vial :  Thủy tinh trong hoặc nâu (phù hợp mẫu nhạy cảm ánh sáng), độ tinh khiết cao
Qui cách :  100 cái/hộp cho vial và 100 cái/gói cho nắp



Mã hàng Mô tả sản phẩm Quy cách
3.038015.00E0 15-425 Thread screw neck vial, 8ml, 61x16.6mm, clear glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.038015.00EA 15-425 Thread screw neck vial, 8ml, 61x16.6mm, amber glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class B 100/pk
3.316018.00E0 18-400 Thread screw neck vial, 15ml, 71x20.6mm, clear glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.316018.00EA 18-400 Thread screw neck vial, 15ml, 71x20.6mm, amber glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.320024.00E0 24-400 Thread screw neck EPA vial, 20ml, 57x27.5mm, clear glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.320024.00EA 24-400 Thread screw neck EPA vial, 20ml, 57x27.5mm, amber glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.340024.00E0 24-400 Thread screw neck EPA vial, 40ml, 95x27.5mm, clear glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.340024.00EA 24-400 Thread screw neck EPA vial, 40ml, 95x27.5mm, amber glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.360024.00E0 24-400 Thread screw neck EPA vial, 60ml, 140x27.5mm, clear glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk
3.360024.00EA 24-400 Thread screw neck EPA vial, 60ml, 140x27.5mm, amber glass, white marking spot and CNW LOGO, Borosilicate Type I Class A 100/pk


Mã hàng Mô tả sản phẩm Quy cách
3.005360.1500 Preassembled cap and septa for 15-425 thread screw, PP, cap, black, closed, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick 100/pk
3.005350.1500 Preassembled cap and septa for 15-425 thread screw, PP cap, black, centre hole, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick 100/pk
3.005310.1500 15-425 Screw thread cap, made from PP, black, centre hole 100/pk
3.005320.1500 15-425 Screw thread cap, made from PP, black, closed 100/pk
3.606050.150G Septa for 15-425 screw thread cap, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick 100/pk
3.606050.15LB Septa for 15-425 screw thread cap, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick, ultra low bleed 100/pk
3.005360.1800 Preassembled cap and septa for 18-400 thread screw, PP, cap, black, closed, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick 100/pk
3.005350.1800 Preassembled cap and septa for 18-400 thread screw, PP, cap, black, closed, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick 100/pk
3.005310.1800 18-400 Screw thread cap, made from PP, black, centre hole 100/pk
3.005320.1800 18-400 Screw thread cap, made from PP, black, Closed 100/pk
3.610050.180L Septa for 18-400 screw thread cap, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.100" thick 100/pk
3.606050.18LB Septa for 18-400 screw thread cap, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.060" thick, ultra low bleed 100/pk
3.005360.2400 Preassembled cap and septa for 24-400 thread screw, PP, cap, black, closed, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.100" thick 100/pk
3.005350.2400 Preassembled cap and septa for 24-400 thread screw, PP, cap, black, centre hole, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.100" thick 100/pk
3.005310.2400 24-400 Screw thread cap, made from PP, black, centre hole 100/pk
3.005320.2400 24-400 Screw thread cap, made from PP, black, closed 100/pk
3.610050.240L Septa for 24-400 screw thread cap, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.100" thick 100/pk
3.610050.24LB Septa for 24-400 screw thread cap, Clear silicone/White PTFE, 0.100" thick, ultra low bleed 100/pk


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